
How to take care of your skin in winter?

Most women’s concerns about their skin during winter are dehydrated skin. So how to take care of your skin in winter?!

1. Use the right cleanser: avoid foaming cleanser even though your skin is oily (only acne prone skin may need foaming cleanser but not twice per day). Make sure you wash your face twice every day. If your skin’s type is dry, go with oil cleanser. If your skin is normal or combination, go with gentle cleansers. Acne prone, go with non-foaming cleanser for acne skin (no alcohol).

2. Toner: it is important to add toner into your skincare routine to finish the cleaning process and balance the pH.

3. Exfoliating 2-3 times per week.

4. Masking 1 per week.

5. Serum and moisturizer twice per day.

Finalize with sunscreen although you don’t see the sun. Trust me, you need it!

Tips: do not take “too warm or too long shower”. Not only it will excessively hot water dehydrate you, but it will also strip away those necessary oils from your body. If you come out of the shower and your skin is irritatingly red and itchy, it’s a sign that you’ve overdone it.

The power of facial massage!

Our skin has usually been under a certain amount of stress, temperature changing or environmental factors that could leave our skin a little feel unloved. A good facial massage can improve mood and blood flow, reduce wrinkles and stress levels. Also, facial massage helps to relieve allergy symptoms and detoxify the body, it stimulates the lymphatic vessels and reduce build up toxins. Making time for a facial massage regularly will keep you skin glowing and radiant as a result.

How to massage your face? Do not afraid to touch and massage your face! whatever movement is a good treat to your skin, make sure your hands and tools are clean! That is it.

If you have an headache, gently pinch your eyebrows at the inner edge with your index finger and thumb. You can also massage your temples, then guide toward the under eyes area toward to bridge of your nose then up and over the eyebrows and return to the temples, repeat 3-5 times.

If you feel particularly stressed, try to massage your jaw in circular motions, starting from jaw toward your chin. You can also massage your scarp and the back of your scarp, the tension will go away quickly.

There is no limited time or best time to have a facial massage. Do it whenever you need! If you are not sure how or want to treat yourself by having someone do it for you! Come to see an esthetician. You deserve a skin treatment and good facial massage!

How Often Do You Have Your Self Care?

Stressed about Covid and the Election, stopping and taking a few minutes for yourself is probably on the last on your to-do list! For women, you might have a million things to do! You might feel guilty to take the self care from your full schedule!

In fact, Mandy Hale says “ It is not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself, and to make your happiness a priority. It is necessary.”

Taking care of yourself is a way to show your love to your family. When you have positive energy, you will bring happiness to your loved one. You will have more to offer them. You will play a better roles in everything.

Self care is the best way to help people see how much value you are. You are the one who understand yourself the most, understand what you need and what is your value. If you don’t see how important it is, you cannot expect other people care about you.

It is never too busy to have “Me Time”. Setting up a time to fit with your schedule, either 5 mins or few hours to meet your need that will become your routine! Either going for a jog, grabbing a favorite book, listening to your songs, having nails done, spending few hours at a spa, or taking a nap is the thing you deserve.

With my job as an esthetician and my hobby, I would consider skincare routine is a way to treat myself. It does not take you much time to add it into your daily schedule. Let say between 15-20 minutes in the morning and same in evening, it takes less than an hour!

      1. 5 minutes for for cleansing and exfoliating, toner

      2. 5-10 minutes for massage or mask

      3. 2- 5 minutes for serum, moisturizer, and sunscreen on in the morning.

In the weekend I spend more time for peeling and masking while watching tv or cleaning the house. Like last Sunday, my partner and I have a collagen masks on during the football game on tv. I got him hooked onto a beauty lifestyle. You can find the mask set here to have a professional self care.

Collagen mask set

What about you? I would like to hear how you have “Me time”

Please note that this is not a official education or advice. This is about my own opinion that I would like share and discuss.